Dwelling is a series that explores the stories of residents of four apartments in a busy metropolis. Created during Lockdown, I worked in miniature scale as our world shrank and our homes took on new meaning. Creating these spaces enabled me to 'travel' to imaginary places during a time in which we were unable to leave.
Although the occupants are absent from their apartments, they leave autobiographical traces allowing us to unpick their stories. The residents are neighbours but strangers, living parallel lives, solitude despite proximity.
The series plays with the occupants’ perception of time and memory. Some are still living in the past, clinging to memories, others are not engaging with the outside world. As you travel further up the apartment block, the apartments become more surreal.
I wanted to transport the viewer back to that magical moment in childhood, where make believe was possible. The innocent format of the piece is juxtaposed with the brutal reality of people's stories.
Apt 1: In Search Of Nonlinear Time
An immigrant’s tale. This apartment explores identity, displacement, courage of immigrants who left to pursue brighter futures.
Apt 2: In The Presence Of The Departed
The Unexpected. Exploring grief, time, and the aftermath of the occupant’s shattered dream when tragedy interrupts a seemingly idyllic life.
Apt 3: When The Party Is Over
Illusions. Social climbing/appearance are addictive preoccupations. Ghostly sheets are a frozen reminder of past ambitions.
Apt 4: Somnum
A journey forming. Images on walls reflect the sleeper’s inner turmoil, their future unclear.